Dama Rules

The Dama game consists of 64 equally spaced squares. Each player has 16 stones of different colors. Players take turns moving one stone forward, choosing from eight possible moves at the beginning of the game. The game continues with each player making one move at a time.

Movement Directions:

- Move one square forward.

- Capture a stone one square beyond the eaten piece, whether forward, right, or left.

- The King can move in all directions and distances.

The goal is to strategize and create a trap for the opponent, aiming to capture as many stones as possible and get at least one stone to any square in the last row of the opponent's side to turn it into a King.

Capturing in Dama

Capturing is mandatory in Dama, and one cannot capture a minority while leaving the majority, whether it's the King or the regular stone.

The King

A stone becomes a King when it reaches the last row of the opponent's side. The King has the advantage of moving in any direction, whether vertically or horizontally, and can capture multiple pieces without specifying the distance, considering both horizontal and vertical positions. The King’s color changes upon promotion, making it distinguishable from other stones.

"Kish" in Dama

The "Kish" move in Dama is optional and can be left or played. Sometimes it is mandatory when the player is judged. The "Kish" is a warning and can be achieved either by the stone or by the game itself. Players may use "Kish" defensively to achieve a draw or offensively to secure a win.


- A draw is declared if the game ends with each player having 15 stones or each having one King.

- The game ends if one player wins by having more stones or Kings. In the case of two Kings for one player and one for the opponent, the player with two Kings is the winner.