Saudi Deal Rules

Saudi Deal is a game designed for four players, revolving around their attempt to control, own, or even steal a specific number of lands to achieve victory. The game concludes when a player successfully gathers three complete sets of different-colored lands, each set characterized by a specific color and number of lands.

How to Play

1.  Each player is dealt 5 cards.

2.  Players privately review their cards.

3.  The remaining cards are placed face-down in the middle, forming the draw pile.

4.  The first player, chosen randomly, begins the round, with turns proceeding counterclockwise.

5.  The first player draws two cards from the draw pile. If a player runs out of cards, they have the right to draw 5 cards in the next turn.

6.  Each player has the right to play 3 cards (moves) or fewer, placing them in their private space, the group area, or the bank.

7.  After a player finishes their turn, the next player to their right takes the next turn.

8.  The game continues until a player collects 3 sets, as mentioned earlier.

Types of Cards

- Land Cards: Each player places their land cards in the designated area in front of them, attempting to form a complete set. Some land cards have two colors, allowing the player to choose the appropriate color when placing the card in their set area.

- Money Cards: These cards hold different monetary values and are used either to pay rent or any amount demanded by opponents when they play an action card against the player. Money cards are placed in the player's private bank (money paid to a player is placed in the bank and not added to their hand).

- Action Cards: Each action card specifies a particular action that the player can request from other players when played. Action cards also have a cash value that the player can use when placing these cards into their bank.

- Rent Cards: These cards enable a player to demand rent from other players when used. Rent cards are distinguished by the colors of the land for which the rent is demanded, and the rent value varies based on the color and quantity of land.


Most cards in the game, such as action and land cards, have specific cash values like 1 million, 2 million, etc. Money cards, collectively, can be used by the player to meet the required payment. It's essential to have these cards either in the group area or the player's bank to fulfill the payment.

In Saudi Deal, there is no asking for change "Fakka", so if a player is asked to pay 2 million and only has a 5 million card, they must pay it.

If a player pays using the value of a land, it is added to the paid player's play area. If a player pays using the value of a two-color land, the player receiving the payment has complete freedom to place wherever they want and choose the suitable color.