Shoot It Game

About the Game

In the ever-evolving world of gaming, innovation is key to introduce the "Shoot It" game, a physics-based football experience that breaks away from traditional card/board games, aiming to engage players beyond the typical games, and promising a refreshing addition to Jawaker's gaming experience.

Why Football?

Football is a beloved sport worldwide, and by incorporating it into Jawaker’s gaming experience, we tap into the passion and enthusiasm that players have for the beautiful game in the region. The Shoot It game transforms the experience of a joker shot into a thrilling football challenge, offering a unique and enjoyable gaming encounter.

Game Rules

  1. Number of Opponents: The game is designed for two players.
  2. Starting the Game: Players can decide who starts the game through a virtual coin toss.
  3. Match Duration: Each match consists of one round with a total duration of 6 minutes. The timer is split into two segments, allowing each player 3 minutes per turn. Player’s turn time is deducted from their respective timers.
  4. Scoring: A goal is scored when the ball crosses the opponent's goal line.
  5. Foul: Scoring directly from the kick-off results in a foul, and the goal does not count. The player's turn is then switched.
  6. Crossing Goal Line: If a player crosses the goal line, they are automatically re-positioned a short distance from the goal.
  7. Winning the Game: The game can be won by either scoring the required number of goals before the timer ends or having more time left than the opponent when neither player reaches the goal target.
  8. Movement: Utilizing drag-and-release technique, players control the direction and force of their shots by manipulating their pucks.

Game Technique

● The game comprises a single-round match.

● Each match is tied to a player-based timer.

● Goals must be achieved within the set number to win the game.

● Players have 5 pucks for shooting.

● Each player takes turns controlling their pucks to score goals.

Additional Game Techniques

  1. Field and Layout: The game scene replicates a football field, with each player having their own side, net, and players. The field includes one football, 5 pucks per player, a controller, and formation options.
  2. Idle State: If a player doesn't play for two turns, they enter idle mode, where a dummy AI replaces them. The AI maintains the player's seat, deducts turn time, and skips the turn for three rounds. If a player is kicked out, the opponent advances in competitions.
  3. Ball Movement: The ball moves dynamically on the field, reacting to player kicks and collisions.

Puck Movement

● Drag Mechanics: Players drag their puck to aim and determine shot force using an on-screen controller.

● Collision: Pucks can collide with each other and the ball, with a more significant impact on the ball than puck-to-puck collisions.

● Controller: Applied to the puck, the controller enables players to set the power and angle by dragging/pulling. An outer circular indicator represents power strength, with an arrow indicating the current force.

*Note: Two-finger control accommodates edge cases when the puck is at the field's edges.

Shoot It game is an exciting fusion of physics-based gameplay and football, providing a great gaming experience. With engaging rules, intuitive mechanics, and the universal appeal of football, get ready to immerse yourself in a football-themed gaming adventure that adds a dash of competition and a whole lot of fun to your gaming experience with Jawaker. Shoot for goals, strategize with formations, and claim victory in this dynamic and entertaining gaming experience!