Welcome to the thrilling evolution of the classic Snakes and Ladders game on Jawaker! Prepare for an immersive journey as we introduce an innovative twist to the traditional board game. Brace yourself for a captivating experience filled with surprises, strategic movements, and power-packed adventures!

New Platform Style:

  • Traditional gameplay with a modern twist.
  • Turn order determined by an automated dice roll.
  • Introducing power-up tiles for strategic advantages to gain the upper hand.
  • Introducing new obstacles that add a layer of complexity to the gameplay.
  • Climb ladders, slide down snakes, claim power-ups, and navigate obstacles.


Navigate challenges with these obstacles that add a layer of extra challenge to your game:

  1. Spikes: Spikes hinder your progress and move you back a platform.
  2. Trap Boxes: If you land on the trap box, it opens and you fall through it!
  3. Bouncer: A playful and tricky push that moves you one platform ahead.

Gameplay Guide:

Here's a quick guide to get you familiar with the new Snakes and Ladders game on Jawaker. Follow the steps and enjoy your journey:

  1. Select the Game:
  • Choose "Snake and Ladders" from the variety of games on Jawaker.
  1. Choose Game Details:
  • Select the number of players (two or four), then click on “Normal Game”.
  1. Begin Playing:
  • Click on "Start Game" and enjoy the thrilling gaming experience.
  • The system will find your opponent and the dice will decide who to start the game.
  1. Progress Using the Dice:
  • In each turn, click on the dice to roll it and advance on the board.
  1. Claim Power-Ups:
  • You can claim one power-up at a time if you land on it while progressing on the board, so choose to use it at the right moment!
  • You can only activate the power-up before rolling the dice.
  • You must use your current power-up before claiming another one.


  1. Switch: Swap all players’ positions randomly.
  2. Multiplier: Double the dice roll value.
  3. Advancement: Choose to advance 1, 2, or 3 steps forward.
  4. The Red Button: Destroy players’ held power-ups.
  5. Blizzard: Freeze ladders for one turn.
  6. Shield: Protects you from snakes and traps.
  7. Reverse: Flip players’ movement for one turn.
  8. Avoid Obstacles:
  • Similar to avoiding snakes, in this new version you need to also avoid trap boxes, spikes, and bouncers, while taking advantage of ladders to progress faster.
  1. Win the Game:
  • Your goal is to reach the finish line of the board.
  • The first player to get there wins!